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Different leves of work in HJ EN
Zoznam odporúčanej literatúry:
Consciousness and Psyché:
Assagioli, Roberto, Self-realization and psychological disturbances, in: Grof, Stan and Christina (editors),
Spiritual emergency. When personal transformation becomes a crisis., Tarcher/Putnam New York 1989
Bolen, Jean Shinoda, Transitions as Liminal and Archetypal Situations in: Mythic Passages. The
newsletter of the Mythic Imagination Institute. A non-profit Arts and Communication corporation 2005
Grof, Stan and Christina, Spiritual emergency: understanding spiritual crisis in: Grof, Stan and Christina
(editors), Spiritual emergency. When personal transformation becomes a crisis., Tarcher/Putnam New York
1989 p. 1-26
Jung,C.G., The transcendent function (A short text about Jung’s way to look at the interaction between
mind and the unconscious, written 1916, first published 1958) in: C.G.Jung, Collected works, vol.8
Johnstone, Keith, Impro. Improvisation and the theatre 1979 and 1981
Weule, Helga & Weule, Manfred (editors), Among heroes and demons. 25 people from 6 countries explore
feelings and shadow topics in a community research project, as PDF in English, Czech, Slovak, Spanish,
German, Serbian and Icelandic language on www.adventurelife.eu; as English print version at Divadlo bez
domova, Bratislava 2019. German print version is published November 2019
Path of the hero and meaning of life:
Campbell, Joseph, Hero with a thousand faces 1949
Hillman, James, The soul’s code 1996
Rebillot, Paul, The Hero’s journey: ritualizing the mystery in: Grof, Stan and Christina (editors), Spiritual
emergency. When personal transformation becomes a crisis., Tarcher/Putnam New York 1989 p. 211-224
Rebillot, Paul with Kay, Melissa, The Call to adventure. Bringing the Hero’s Journey to daily life, Harper
San Francisco 1993. New edition: Eagle Books 2017
Animal and Man
Campbell, Joseph, The way of the Animal powers Vol.1 Historical Atlas of World Mythology, London:
Summerfield Press 1983
Weule, Manfred, Auswildern im Gespräch mit Tieren, (Returning to the wild in dialogue with animals. In
German only. With animal cards.) Institut Bewusstseinsstrategien Schalchen (Austria) 2016
Fairy tales and Myths
Pinkola Estés, Clarissa, Women who run with the wolves 1992
Schrott, Raoul, Gilgamesch Epos, München/Wien: Carl Hanser Verlag 2001 (Epic of Gilgamesh in a
literary version and in a translation close to the original text unveiling shamanic roots, both in German).
Wolkstein, Diane und Kramer, Samuel Noah, Inanna. Queen of Heaven and Earth. Her stories and
hymns of Sumer. Harper & Row, New York, 1983, Paperback (still available)